The Internet Marketing Bible Resenha crítica

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The Internet Marketing Bible - resenha crítica

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ISBN: 1461050642

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This book is different from all the other books you’ve read about Internet marketing in three main ways: 1. This book was written for business owners, not IT geeks. Anybody can understand it. 2. All the useless information about “the history of the Internet” and other similar topics were left out. This is a clutter-free step-by-step tutorial that shows you exactly what you need to do to become successful online. 3. This book takes a holistic approach to Internet marketing. Covering everything from Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) and Website Design; this book shows you all the available tools and tactics and helps you figure out which ones will work best for your business. This is the most comprehensive guide to Internet marketing you’ll ever read. About The Author: Zeke Camusio is a serial entrepreneur and Internet marketer. He has started seven businesses (four of them very successful) and has helped over 200 companies make millions of dollars using the same Internet marketing tactics he shares in this book. Zeke is a marketing speaker and a columnist for some of the most reputable publications in the industry, such as, Search Engine Journal and Startup Nation. Zeke lives in Portland, OR, where he runs The Outsourcing Company, his Internet marketing agency.

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